Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Master Cleanser Day 4 (part 2)

Day 4 comes to an end.

Very few cravings of any type today. But I also was busy working on things so I wasn't just thinking about eating. Was able to consume 100 ounces of lemonade today. That helps too. I still haven't tried the peppermint tea. Maybe tomorrow.

One of the most enjoyable food things that I get to do is lick the spoon that I use for measuring maple syrup. Even after 4 days, I still have a sweet tooth.

I did get my shipment of Grade B maple syrup from Maple Valley today. Very good stuff. It is darker and better tasting than the Grade A Amber Dark that I was using.

Otherwise I have been getting comments from co-workers about the weight loss. Hopefully I will be able to keep some of this off afterwards.

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