Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trans Iowa Part 1 aka Now with Photos from Flickr

200 pounds...

Not bad for a slow guy.

Since I'm just getting the Flickr account going, I'll put up some Trans Iowa photos. I will jump around some over the next few days, but I'll try to keep somewhat of a theme for the day going. Here will be the photos of the bike before and after the event. Also, photos of me before, during and after.

The bike before the race. Pretty much all packed up and ready to go.

2008.04.24 022, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

Me the night before getting ready.

2008.04.24 023, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

Me before the start.

2008.04.24 024, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

The next ones will be me each hour after the start of the race.

2008.04.24 026, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

2008.04.24 027, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

2008.04.24 028, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

2008.04.24 029, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

2008.04.24 041, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

Me at the pickup point in Cresco.

2008.04.24 042, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

What the bike looked like after 6 hours in the Iowa wind.

2008.04.24 046, originally uploaded by squidbuzz.

As you can tell, I was looking pretty yucky by the end. In the middle I was smiling, but my face was half frozen. I gotta check out why my helmet was so turned though. Looks pretty dorky.


Guitar Ted said...

Hey Todd, I want to say that I thought it was great to have you there at Trans Iowa. I always appreciate a guy like yourself that is willing to roll the dice and see what the outcome will be. For your attempt, it was worthy. 45 miles in that is really pretty awesome.......really!

From my perspective I saw 55 guys take the start, but what you didn't see were the nearly 70 people that bagged it before the day of the event. Sure, lots of legit reasons, but lots of "other" reasons too.

You done good. If you come back again, know that you belong to a rare breed of cat that actually rode a Trans Iowa.

EXPO Racing said...

The last one says "I'll be Bok"

Anonymous said...

I give you a ton of credit for the effort. The conditions sound awful!