Thursday, January 8, 2009

Frakin' Thursday

Man, some higher ups at work just don't really know how to plan things. Everybody is supposed to be able to pull resources and funds out of thin air. When will they ever learn?

Was busy early today by snow blowing the drive at 4:30am.

Work was work. Way too much happening for the amount of time and effort that I have for it.

I really need to get on a bike and ride some. Sheryl is back at doing her 2 hour spin classes starting up in February. Woohoo. I always love those classes. They will be at the YMCA in Waukesha again this year.

Dropped off more stuff at the bike shop for the swap meet. While there I realized I left a few items in the basement. They are now sitting out so that I can drop them off tomorrow after work.

Caught up on a couple of more episodes of LOST. We hopefully will be kinda caught up by the time they start showing them again.

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